CO2 Solubility Calculator

CO2 solubility in aqueous NaCl solution---------

Duan Z, Sun R, Zhu C, Chou I (Marine Chemistry, 2006, v98, 131-139)

T-P-X range of this model: 273-533 K, 0-2000 bar, 0-4.5 mNaCl

Unit---T: K, P(total): bar, mNaCl and mCO2: mol/kgH2O

The Fortran code for the calculator was written by Sun Rui, now a professor at Northwest University in Xian ( Online adoption was completed by Rob Hageboeck and Kevin Tu.


Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Indiana University MSBII 424
725 N. Walnut Grove
Bloomington IN 47405

